“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Trip to Zimbabwe and Celebration of Ron Shimkus’ Life 

January 28, 2014 

Next week I leave for a 3 week trip to Zim. My father and mother-in-law, Duane & Joan Bundt, will be traveling there as well for a 2 week stay. Mary Ann Shimkus and her daughter, Rebecca Reisinger, will come for a one week visit, Feb 16-23. A celebration of the life and ministry of Ron Shimkus will take place on Feb 19 following the food distribution in the Chinhoyi city hall. Join us in praying for this joyous celebration that will have sadness as we miss him dearly. We covet your prayers for preparation, safety, and God's blessing on this very special visit.

March 6, 2014 

It was quite a contrast to return last Friday to 7 inches of snow and sub-zero temperatures- like going from the oven to the deep freeze. One of the days in Zimbabwe it was close to 90 degrees. I hope warmer temperatures will soon follow for us here in the US.

Thank you for your constant prayers for us last month! The Lord certainly blessed us with a special time in Zim.

Duane & Joan Bundt, my wife's parents, were able to introduce some of our staff members to prayer counseling, which ministered significantly to the deep pain of these widows and orphans. Duane also instructed the team in warfare prayer, equipping them for the inevitable spiritual battle that is raging all around them. Please join us in praying for the ministry team in Chinhoyi to apply the principles they learned and begin experiencing freedom and healing in their lives. The impact could be significant as they lead others to the victory we have in Christ Jesus.

Mary Ann Shimkus and her daughter Rebecca had the opportunity to experience all the facets of the ministry that Ron built in Chinhoyi. From the young orphans in the Critical Care Center to the school age orphans in Bible study, to the post-high school orphans and college students, to the widows and the men involved in the Women & Men of Hope groups, they witnessed the love for God's word that Ron instilled in the people. They also saw the love of God expressed through the care for young orphans in the Critical Care Center, the feeding of families in the food distribution and medical care at the clinic along with the training of families to grow corn.

People in Chinhoyi and in Harare, where Ron & Mary Ann ministered to college students, had the opportunity of sharing testimonies of how they were impacted by Ron. Below you will find the photo of the memorial plaque for Ron Shimkus that was erected at the Life to Life Community Center. We had a special time of prayer there following the Memorial Celebration,

Thank you for the part you have played in praying and giving toward the establishment of this ministry! With God's help may we carry on this work of the Lord for the sake of His glory.

Mary Ann, Rebecca, & Joan with Anna, Tendai, & Marvelous

Inspecting corn plots

Group gathered at Ron's Memorial Plaque

Memorial plaque for Ron Shimkus at LTLA Community Center

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