“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Thursday, March 12, 2015

God is at Work—in Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Florida 

October 31, 2014

Thank you for your prayers as I traveled to Africa last month. Here is an overdue update of a fruitful trip which took me to Zimbabwe, Nigeria and Florida. What a blessing to get a glimpse of what God is doing to advance His kingdom in Africa.


I had the opportunity to encourage our team in their efforts to visibly demonstrate God's kingdom to the Chinhoyi community. Below is a photo of the team distributing food to the 100 families we serve who care for orphans with most families led by widows and grandparents. I gave our team Overflow Thrift Store shirts.

LTLA food distribution

LTLA Team in Overflow ThriftStore shirts

It was also encouraging to see the LTLA Sewing Club. This is another way we are demonstrating God's value of working to provide for one's family in addition to the Foundations for Farming effort. Around a dozen widows gather twice a month to learn from one another how to make things for their families or for sale. Our desire is to have a larger room to put all the donated sewing machines to train more women, young & old, with sewing skills.

Gogo Mildred using one of the sewing machines donated through the 2013 container project

Stella holding a crocheted purse


I was able to witness the training environment that Arthur and Mildred Nhau have experienced for the past 21 months in Minna, Nigeria. They have thrived in this training, including their son and daughter, as was evident in their smiles. Musa and Regina Yashim, whom Ron & Mary Ann Shimkus trained while in Kenya during the 80's, have invested in their relationship with God, their character and in their ministry skills. Arthur & Mildred are well prepared to lead the work in Chinhoyi and also train future kingdom laborers. We had good times in prayer and preparation for their return to Zimbabwe on November 24.

Arthur, his son Donnell, and Mike (in Nigerian attire)

Mike, Donnell Nhau, Musa Yashim, Arthur & Midlred Nhau holding Daisy, Regina Nhau,
and Jonathan Govero (Zimbabwe Navigator Staff and LTL Zimbabwe Trust board chairman) 


It was a pleasure to meet two young ladies and a couple whom God has prompted to serve Him in Africa. Devon and Colleen have a passion for rescuing street boys in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, where they served recently in short-term missions. They are asking God to make a way to open a home for street boys there. Matt & Laura have heard God's call to serve in Uganda utilizing his counseling and her nursing training. They will volunteer with Jenga, a Ugandan Christian development outreach, in Mbale. We are praying they can raise the needed funds to serve as Life to Life Africa missionaries next year in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and in Mbale, Uganda. God is raising up laborers for the advancement of His kingdom in Africa!

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