“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Nhau Family Safely Home in Zimbabwe 

November 24, 2014 

Today, Arthur & Mildred Nhau, with their children, Donnell & Daisy, arrived back in Zimbabwe. Below is a note of thanksgiving from Arthur before he left Nigeria, where they received more training to lead the work in Chinhoyi. Thank you for your prayerful support that has sustained their training and enabled the work of Life to Life Africa to continue.

-Mike Sulc


We are soon returning to Zimbabwe, and looking back at these past 21 months, we really do see God’s amazing grace and mercies. For we came up looking to acquire more ministry skills but during the training our eyes have really been shifted to also focus on our communion with God and developing Christ-like character. Most of the things we have learnt here have been a continuation of what we have been learning over the years, and are really encouraged by the power of spiritual reproduction. It is our prayer and heart desire that the Lord will use us to raise more laborers who will do far much more than we ever imagined. 

Second Timothy is a very special book to us and are greatly encouraged by Paul’s personal remarks as he reminds Timothy to bring his cloak and his scrolls especially the parchments (2 Timothy 4:13). This attitude of continual learning and saturating oneself in scriptures is what we desire to do, and not to leave this training feeling we have been trained because training is a life time process. 

We would like you to help us thank God for; 
- Allowing us to train in Nigeria, where we learned to do and think ministry. 
- Maintaining peace in our town whilst other surrounding northern towns have experienced unrest from extremists who have killed thousands of people. 
- It’s also going to be an emotional return for us, pray that we will find comfort and encouragement from the Lord. 
- We also pray that the relationships that God has given us here will last long and that we will add value to one another in years to come. 
- We pray that we will mutually encourage one another with the team back in Zimbabwe, and not for them to see us as the “learned”. 

Thank you for the support, resources, encouragement, and most importantly for continuing to pray for us. We are forever grateful. 

Humbled By His Grace, 
Arthur and Mildred

Arthur and Mildred Nhau, and their children, Donnell and Daisy

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