“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Thursday, March 12, 2015

“Even to Your Old Age” 

February 27, 2015 

"There are 5 men who want to receive Christ and they want you to pray with them," Arthur told me when I arrived in Chinhoyi. God is fulfilling his promise in Isaiah 46:4, "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."

Misters Simirando, Chafewa, Phiri, Mukuwo, and Tembo publicly acknowledged their trust in Christ as the savior of their souls on February 7 at the Men of Hope meeting. They have been attending this LTLA discipleship meeting for men over the past year, where they were memorizing gospel centered Bible verses. Mr Lunga faithfully carried on these meetings in Arthur's absence and it was good to rejoice with him over the fruit of his labor.

Arthur (l) and Mr. Lunga (r) with Misters: Simirando, Chafewa, Phiri, Mukuwo, & Tembo

Mr. Lunga will continue leading this ministry to men--with the help of Mike Shimkus's mountain bike that came in the container. He uses the bike to visit the men along with carrying his daughter to school on his way to care for our LTLA property. (I kick myself for not getting a photo of him on the bike with his daughter.)

Thank you for praying for Julie and me as we traveled to Chinhoyi. It was good for Julie to experience what God is doing there in order to know how to pray. She was able to share with the team from her relationship with Christ, along with her experience in discipleship and counseling. We are seeing the need for soul discipleship that guides people to experience Christ in mind and heart. 

Mike and Julie spending time with the LTLA team

Would you join us in praying for soul discipleship to happen in Chinhoyi? Please see the specific prayer requests below. Arthur is using the process of Intimacy with Christ, Imitation of Christ and Impact for Christ. Please pray that orphans and widows, young and old, children and adults, young people and elderly, boys and girls, women and men will experience intimacy with Christ in order that they will be able to imitate Christ and make an impact for Christ.  

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