“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Thursday, March 12, 2015

God is at Work in Chinhoyi 

May 19, 2014 

God continues to work in and through those involved with Life to Life Africa.

Marvelous, an orphan whom our team member Anna discipled, started college in another city this past semester and has continued reading her Bible and memorizing verses. She sent me an email last week informing me that she is reading the Bible with a student friend at college. What a blessing to see fruit of our ministry to orphans carrying on for the Lord!

Shelton, one of our key student leaders at Chinhoyi University of Technology, has been active in sharing Christ with fellow students on campus. This past Friday night he sent me a message that Blessing prayed to receive Christ! A month ago another student named Ryan also received Christ and has been involved in the Bible study on campus. We praise God for this spiritual harvest as Shelton and other students along with our ministry team remain faithful in sharing the love of God through Jesus Christ.

Below are video clips of Marvelous and one of Shelton. They shared these brief testimonies during the memorial service in February of how Ron Shimkus impacted them. I know he would be rejoicing with what God is doing in and through Marvelous and Shelton.

We are also grateful for the good harvest that 90 families in our ministry had from their corn plots this year. Most were able to harvest 4 large bags which will last them four months. Our hope was to see a 6 month harvest but are encouraged with the good start. They will learn from this year and we will pray for wisdom and opportunities to increase the harvest for next year. Below are photos of some of the widows with their harvest. We are grateful to the Lord who through your prayers and support make this ministry possible!

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