“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Thursday, March 12, 2015

On Our Way to Zimbabwe with Grateful Hearts 

January 23, 2015 

Dear LTLA Friends,

With your prayers and support we are launching into 2015 with a strong start. Thank you for partnering with us in showing the love of God to vulnerable widows, orphans and poor in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe!

I am excited to share that today I board a plane to Zim with my lovely bride, Julie, at my side. We are excited to minister together for the next week in Chinhoyi. I will remain for an additional two weeks. Julie and the team there are excited to finally meet one another. Please pray for us as we spend time encouraging the team and taking the opportunity to do some counseling with some who are really hurting.

Your prayers will also be appreciated for my time with Arthur, who is now in place leading the work. It will be good to be together in Chinhoyi with him for the first time in two years. I am sure we will feel the void of not having "Uncle" Ron Shimkus with us. He prepared Arthur well for the training he received in Nigeria and we know that he is cheering us on as we trust God to continue the discipling movement among the vulnerable and also college students in Chinhoyi. Please join us in asking the Lord to show us His plans for Life to Life Africa.

Mike Sulc

Mike, Julie, Johanna, and Micaela Sulc

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