“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Friday, May 13, 2016

Orphans Going to College

April 29, 2016 

In this update, I would like to introduce you to four orphans cared for by Life to Life Africa who now are attending college. Also, I am including a prayer update for the ISU Navigators team who will travel to Zimbabwe on May 15 for a short-term mission trip.


"I can't thank you enough for making it possible for me to attend college," said Simba to me as we were saying goodbye in his dorm room at the Harare Polytechnic on my last trip to Zimbabwe, Life to Life Africa is assisting him with his college expenses as he pursues a bachelor of technology in automotive engineering.

As an orphan, Simba came to faith in Christ in his high school years through the LTLA ministry, which also provided food and medical care for him. He served on the LTLA ministry team after high school for three years. Now he is seeking to influence his classmates for Christ by initiating a Sunday afternoon Bible study with them. Jonathan Govero, Navigator staff in Harare, helps him lead this study. He also is reading the Bible with Arthur, Tatenda, Isaac, Kim, Tawanda & Nathan. Would you pray for Simba as he shares the love of Christ with his friends at the Harare Polytechnic?

Mike with Simba (far right) and a friend in his dorm room.
Simba in action in a lab class.
Simba (2nd from right in the back row) with classmates.


Marvelous was the first orphan which benefited from the LTLA ministry that went to college. She was discipled by Anna, LTLA staff member, in her high school years. Together they recited the 60 verses of the Navigators Topical Memory System during her 4th year of high school. (High school starts in the 8th year of school and there are 4 years of Ordinary Level followed by 2 years of A Level- college prep.)

She received an academic scholarship to attend Bindura University of Science Education. In Zimbabwe university students are required to complete a one year internship in their field of study. LTLA has been blessed to have Marvelous back in Chinhoyi since last fall while she completes an internship as a science teacher's aid at her old high school. She has been involved in the LTLA Chosen Generation ministry, which disciples young adult orphans. As she is able, she is also assisting the LTLA team with the primary & high school ministry. Would you pray for Marvelous as the Lord ministers through her to high school students and her peers in Chinhoyi?

Marvelous at Nemakonde High School.

Lazarus & Prestige 

Lazarus and Prestige launched to Midlands State University in Gweru last August. They have been involved in the LTLA ministry for a number of years, attending the high school Bible study led by Prestige's older sister, Anna. They both received scholarships to attend university. Lazarus is pursuing a bachelor of science in surveying and geomatics and Prestige is pursuing a bachelor of arts in development studies.

Last fall they quickly found Christian fellowship through the Navigators ministry on campus, and began recruiting their friends to Bible study. During the two month Christmas break they joined the LTLA ministry team in their efforts among high school students. It is encouraging to see their desire to share Christ. Prestige was selected to be a leader among her scholarship peers this semester, but unfortunately had to move to a satellite campus for her degree program. There is no known campus ministry there, so she is missing the fellowship. Would you pray for her to be the catalyst for a ministry at her campus? Would you pray for God to use Lazarus in the Navigators ministry at his campus?

Lazarus in a surveying lab class.

ISU Navigators Team Update 

Would you pray for the six ISU Navigators students as they prepare to depart on May 15 for a five week trip to minister in Zimbabwe? Half of their time will be in Harare with the Navigator ministry there and the other half will be in Chinhoyi with the LTLA ministry. I will be joining them for their time in Chinhoyi. Please pray as they finish their fundraising efforts and as they prepare their hearts to serve and learn. Pray for Jonathan Govero, Zimbabwean Navigator staff, as he leads them in Harare as well as for Arthur, LTLA Chinhoyi Director, and he and I lead them in Chinhoyi.

Grateful for your prayers and support,

Tyler (2nd student), Forrest, and Audrey during a workday fundraiser at our house. Matt, Ben, and Alex also worked, but I lost the photos of them.

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