“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Friday, May 13, 2016

"I Can't Wait"

February 8, 2016

"All I have been thinking about is returning to Zimbabwe. I can't wait." That is what Tyler said to me when we first met at the start of this semester. He and five other Iowa State University students involved in The Navigators ministry will travel to Zimbabwe in May for a month-long mission trip. Tyler spent 11 weeks there last summer and jumped on the opportunity to return when he heard about this joint Navs/LTLA mission trip.

Like Tyler and this team, I am pumped to lead them in this adventure of serving and learning. They will spend two weeks in Harare with Jonathan Govero where they will help him minister to Univ of Zimbabwe students. Jonathan is very encouraged to have them co-labor with his team. After they have experienced life in the capital city, I will venture with them to Chinhoyi, where they will partner in the work of Life to Life Africa among the four generations we are serving.

I just spent the weekend with this team at a missions orientation training to prepare them for the experience. We are in for a great time, as they are spiritually mature and love to have fun. Pray for us as we raise the needed funds, bond as a team, and open our hearts to this service learning opportunity. May God be glorified and his kingdom advanced.

Mike at Missions Orientation with Ben, Audrey, Tyler, Matt, Alex, & Forrest (L-R)

Would you also pray for me over the next three weeks as I labor with the team in Chinhoyi? I travel Feb. 7-26. My focus will be exposing Arthur to prayer counseling as he and the team lead deeply hurting people to our Wonderful Counselor. I will also be making mission trip preparations for both the ISU Navs team and the return of a Hopevale Church team in July. I am so excited and encouraged for their return! What a privilege to be part of what God will do in and through us.

Humbled by His grace,

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