“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Friday, May 13, 2016

Be Joyful Always

March 10, 2016

"Be joyful always, pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) These were the final verses of a Bible study that Arthur asked me to lead for the LTLA team on my recent visit. They have been looking at what God has to say about operating as a team when they open the scriptures this year. As I looked into the faces of these dear friends, what a challenge to consider that these commands--be joyful, give thanks--are, indeed, God's will for us in Christ Jesus. They have suffered so much, and continue to suffer the effects of an economic collapse, the AIDS epidemic, and now one of the worst droughts in 30 years. 

We also reflected on bitterness, the natural sinful response to these circumstances, and how God calls us to forgive. "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." (Ephesians 4:32) Wow, how is it possible to live this way? Praise be to God who through Christ and His Spirit makes it possible! What a blessing this is for us and for so many who suffer greatly like our dear friends in Zimbabwe. May we all pray continually for one another to be joyful always, give thanks in all circumstances, and to forgive just as God has forgiven us.

LTLA Team by the Ron Shimkus memorial at the Community Center 

Thankful for God's Protection 

 Arthur's wife, Mildred, underwent successful surgery on February 5 to remove gall stones. She has recovered well, for which we are all grateful, especially Arthur and their children Donnell & Daisy. On February 19, Rufaro, the youngest son of Tsungai who directs our Critical Care Center, ran out in front of a car on his way to school. We thank the Lord that his injuries did not include any fractures or neurological trauma. The driver picked him up and took him to the hospital. He was visiting Rufaro at the hospital when the picture below was taken. It was good to encourage him in the Lord as this accident really troubled him with how suddenly life on this earth can end.

Tsungai and Rufaro at the hospital

We are so grateful for all of you who make this ministry possible through your prayers and financial gifts! Below you will find photos and videos (click the link to view them) that I took during this most recent trip. Thank you for holding me up in prayer!

Joyfully & Thankfully,
Mike Sulc
Life to Life Africa

February 2016 Trip in Photos & Videos

Jane in the cornplot she shares with Diana. Their mulching has really helped during this drought. The Chinhoyi area has received a little bit of rain, which will help yield a small harvest for those who mulched.
Wilson Malfuku's corn plot suffering the effects of drought with no mulch.
Sorghum (smaller plants in front) and corn at the LTLA Community Center suffering from a disease. We water this plot, so we need to discern why it has failed. Termites may be to blame.
LTLA families gathered for food distribution under the Life Discipleship roof. We are so glad to offer shade, and excited at how this building will be used in the years ahead!

Video--Under the Life Discipleship Center roof during a rain storm:

Orphans doing a drawing exercise at the Critical Care Center.

Shelton next to the prototype rocket stove he constructed to be used for Critical Care Center cooking.
Close-up of the rocket stove.

After Youth Bible Study: Above, boys with checked-out books from LTLA library, and with clothes received. Below, a girl wearing a Gilbert Middle School she received from our 2013 container project.

Video--Primary school youth singing a song during LTLA Youth Bible Study:

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