“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Friday, December 11, 2015

Bringing God's Kingdom to Chinhoyi

December 9, 2015

Just as Jesus taught us to ask that the Father’s kingdom, “come on earth as it is in heaven,” Life to Life Africa (LTLA) is asking God to bring His kingdom to Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe. James tells us that “God has chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom.” (James 2:5) The poverty generated by the current economic condition in Zimbabwe is driving people to the only hope that can be found and that is faith in Jesus Christ, the king of God’s kingdom.

Precious lives in a bad section of town, known for its spiritual darkness. Even the people there do not associate with her family because her father was in jail for murder. Knowing that “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4) emboldened Gogo Mildred to reach out to Precious. As a result, Precious has trusted Christ and is experiencing the transforming power of God’s love. She is now learning the assurance of our salvation in Christ as she reads the Bible every week with Gogo Mildred and Mildred Nhau, two LTLA team members. She has also placed her daughter Millicent (bottom left in photo) in the Life to Life Africa Critical Care Center- a feeding and educational program for preschoolers. There Millicent is learning about Jesus and is receiving two nutritious meals Monday through Friday. This is one of many families that Life to Life Africa has the privilege to serve as God brings His kingdom of light into the dark corners of the world.

Precious (center, holding two children) and family, with Gogo Mildred (left) and Mildred Nhau (right)

Romalia is an example of many in Zimbabwe who have responded to the orphan crisis. As a widow, she is caring for her aging mother and for five children, two of her own (Richard, age 10, and Phillip, age 5) along with two nieces and a nephew. Her sister and brother-in-law died leaving Caroline (age 5) and Tanaka (age 2). Her brother left in search of work and his wife abandoned their daughter, Kelly (age 2), so Romalia is caring for her. Four of the children under her care participate in the LTLA Critical Care Center. Romalia is active in the LTLA widow ministry, Women of Hope, where women are encouraged and discipled in their relationship with Christ.

Romalia and Family

Life to Life Africa is sharing the love of Jesus with these two families along with another 100 families. We are assisting and training them in physical and spiritual dimensions of life. God is at work; we have seen many place their trust in Christ this year, including 9 men in the Men of Hope ministry. Our desire is to see the power of God’s kingdom transform the lives of orphans, widows and the poor in Chinhoyi.

Would you help us continue taking God’s kingdom to Chinhoyi? Our operational budget in Chinhoyi is $7,000 monthly and will need year end gifts to launch us into next year. Your special gift or monthly commitment will enable us to continue in 2016. You can contribute by sending your check payable to: 

Life to Life Africa 
PMB 344 
10151 University Blvd 
Orlando, FL 32817-1904 

You can also donate online. If you are interested in doing so, please email me (mikesulc@gmail.com) and I can pass along instructions.

Thank you for considering how you can help. Your prayers and financial support make this ministry possible. Thank You!

-Mike Sulc

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