“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Friday, December 13, 2024

Pressing Forward - LTLA Update - November 2024


Thanksgiving Greetings,

I would like to share with you through photos the encouraging news from my recent trip to Zimbabwe. God is at work through the efforts of the Life to Life Africa team in Chinhoyi and in Mutare. Your prayers and financial support are instrumental in the progress we are seeing as the LTLA team presses forward in advancing God's Kingdom. Thank you!!
Tatenda leading a lesson with the LTLA Youth Bible Study.
Shelton and Lunga, LTLA Community Ministry team members on the left, distribute corn plot inputs to people whose plots were inspected for readiness to plant. We thank the Lord as rains have been watering the land. Please pray for continued timely rains for the corn to grow this season. Last year Zimbabwe experienced a very bad drought which prevented people from harvesting what they needed to feed their families.
LTLA Sewing Group meets every Monday afternoon to fill the orders they are receiving from people in the community. The orders are helping build the group's sewing skills and the income is helping provide some ministry funds.
Brandon (left), a young man we have been discipling, is helping install a fence in preparation for having the dogs at the LTLA Community Center patrol the area around the broiler chicken coop which can be seen back to the right. The fence will keep the dogs out of the vegetable gardens where we are growing food for the ministry and for sale in the community.
Our first batch of broiler chicks. They will be ready for sale for all the Christmas celebrations in the community. This will be a year-round income project for the ministry as chicken is the primary source of protein in Zimbabwe.
I traveled to Mutare, the third largest city in Zimbabwe, where I visited Simba and Pamela. They have launched our ministry efforts among the college students at the five colleges and universities in that city. God has opened wide the doors for ministry at these schools, especially Manicaland State University where the administrators want to see the students impacted spiritually.
Pamela (far left) and Marvelous (far right) hosted these young ladies from Manicaland State University for a sleepover during our visit. They are some of the 30 students who are in Bible study. Marvelous accompanied me from Chinhoyi. She had spent a week in Mutare in June with a team from the US and she had met these girls last month at the LTLA Student & Alumni Conference.
Tinotenda, fruit from the LTLA Youth Ministry in Chinhoyi, also accompanied me to Mutare. He plans to enroll at Mutare Polytechnic, where he will continue his mechanical engineering studies and will help Simba launch a ministry to students on that campus.
Mike with Simba and Rev Paul Neshangwe. I had the privilege to meet Rev Paul Neshangwe who was instrumental in helping Ron Shimkus launch Life to Life Africa in Chinhoyi. He is now the pastor at the Presbyterian Church in Mutare where Simba and Pamela are becoming members. As we start ministering in Mutare we are very encouraged to have the support of Rev Paul, who is excited to reconnect with Life to Life Africa.
With a thankful heart to our Lord,

Mike Sulc
Life to Life Africa

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