“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Monday, September 23, 2024

Fruitfulness - LTLA Update - August 2024


Greetings LTLA Friends,
August proved to be a fruitful month for the LTLA team in Zimbabwe. Three ladies received Christ through our Women of Hope ministry and Shelton, LTLA Community Ministry team leader, led three boys from his street to Christ. LTLA Community Ministry team members, Itai, Gogo Mildred and Patricia shared the Gospel with Janeffer, Pamela and Ustina respectively while Shelton shared with Dennis, Munyaradzi and Simba. Join us in praying for our team members as they meet with these new believers to help establish them in their faith in Christ.
LTLA Director in Zimbabwe, Arthur Nhau, traveled with LTLA Training Ministry team members, Zviko and Tatenda, to Mutare where they encouraged fellow team members Simba and Pamela in their efforts to launch a ministry to college students. Here is a report from Arthur on their visit:
Our trip to Mutare was fun-filled and exciting to see God at work through Simba and Pamela. Their convictions to follow God in this pioneering work are being challenged and deepened as they trust the Lord to see their lives multiplied spiritually. They are putting into practice what the Lord has taught them and they are continuing to learn as they take steps of trusting and obeying God. Philippians 1:3-6 comes to my mind as I think of my investment in Simba's life. It is truly a joy to see the Lord ministering through him in Mutare.  
We had a day of prayer and asked the Lord to open a door for Simba and Pamela to have access to other institutions like Mutare Polytechnic and Mutare Teachers College. We were encouraged today to hear from Simba that he has been allowed to minister at Mutare Teachers College.
Simba sent this photo two days after our visit of his participation at Mutare Teachers College (MTC) with FOCUS, the recognized ministry to students at MTC and Mutare Polytechnic. He will minister to students at MTC and hopefully at Mutare Polytechnic through FOCUS.
(L to R) Zviko, Arthur, Donnell, Tatenda, Simba & Simba's friend Arthur who joined them for a day in prayer for the ministry efforts in Mutare. (Athur is Simba's college classmate who now lives and works in Mutare. Simba is encouraging him in his walk with the Lord.)
It was encouraging to take my son Donnell and daughter Daisy on the trip to let them observe my heart's desire to make Christ known. It was very encouraging to see Donnell's keen interest in how to share your faith with someone.
Donnell (far right) joined Zviko (in the middle) in meeting students at Manicaland State University.
Manicaland State University (MSU) is a 20 minute drive outside of Mutare and currently has no hostels (residence halls) for students. So to meet students we had to approach them in the open grounds, which is different from what we experience at Chinhoyi University of Technology where we meet students in hostels. We engaged students in relational evangelism and later introduced them to Simba. We met many students who expressed an interest in deepening their relationship with Christ. There is an open door at MSU as Simba has built a good relationship with the Chaplain and Dean of Students at the Manicaland State University (MSU) who have encouraged him to minister on campus.
 Tatenda (right) sharing with a student at MSU.
 Arthur (far right) meeting students at MSU.
It is exciting to observe the enthusiasm that Simba has in ministering to students in Mutare. The doors are open at MSU and now at Mutare Teachers College. Please pray for Simba and Pamela as they respond to these open doors. Simba also has family in that region and hopes to be an influence for Christ with them.
Simba and Pamela in downtown Mutare.
Our prayer is that Simba and Pamela will be a light to many in Mutare and the Manicaland Province. (Matthew 5:16).
Serving our Lord,

Grateful for your partnership in this work of the Lord!
Mike Sulc
Life to Life Africa

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