“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Typical Friday - LTLA Update - June 2024


Greetings LTLA Friends,

On this Friday morning, I wanted to share with you the typical activities that the Life to Life Africa Community Ministry team will engage in today. I thought sharing their activities will help you know how to pray on a Friday for the LTLA Community Ministry team. As you will see they are busy on Fridays.

The Critical Care Center team of Tsungai, Brian, & Letwin welcomes the 30 preschool orphans at 8am as they prepare to feed them a breakfast and a lunch before dismissing them at 1pm. They will engage in spiritual and academic development activities with the children before they take a nap and are sent home with their caregivers, which in a lot of cases, is a grandparent. We begin our investment into these children as preschoolers and seek to continue through their high school years and beyond. I remember meeting Victor at the Critical Care Center on my first trip to Chinhoyi in 2010. Now 14 years later, he is part of our young adult group, the Chosen Generation, where he is encouraged to experience Jesus guiding him as he transitions to life as an adult.
Tsungai with the Critical Care Center pre-school orphans.
The remainder of the Community Ministry team meet on Friday mornings and go out "two by two" meeting with people individually or in small groups to share the Gospel or to follow-up in discipleship with believers. These meetings are the foundation of our ministry as the people we serve experience individual intentional attention from LTLA team members where they are encouraged to receive, believe, and walk with Jesus in their lives. Below you will see some photos of these meetings:
Mr Lunga (first on the left taking this selfie) pairs up with Mr Chigwida to meet with men who attend the Men of Hope meetings on Saturdays.
Mr. Chigwida (far right) with the other men that he and Mr. Lunga meet with on Friday mornings.
Itai (left) pairs up with Kate (right) to meet with ladies. Here they are meeting with Elizabeth.
Itai (left) is meeting with Dorothy in this photo.
After spending Friday mornings ministering to young and older people, the LTLA Community Ministry team eats lunch together at Mildred Nhau's restaurant. Mildred's husband, Arthur, directs LTLA in Zimbabwe. After lunch the team engages in a time of prayer and ministry training sessions along with some gardening at the LTLA Community Ministry Center.
LTLA Community team members eating lunch at Ma D's (Mildred Nhau's) restaurant. (This photo is from July 2022 and you will notice that Ronda & Pete, from Hopevale Church, were visiting. Hopevale is returning with a team of 12 on July 8!)
Itai tending to broccoli at the LTLA Community Center.
Thank you for letting me share a typical Friday in Chinhoyi for the LTLA Community Ministry team. It is our prayer that God continues to do extraordinary things in the lives of people, young and old, through the faithful work of the LTLA team members.

Ordinary people serving the extraordinary God,

Mike Sulc
for the Life to Life Africa team

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