“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Good Neighbors - LTLA Update - June 2023


Greetings again from Africa,

I am writing to share an encouraging development that happened for the LTLA Community Ministry this past month. It is encouraging to see the impact that our ministry is having upon our neighbors by the LTLA Community Center. Our prayer is that we continue to impact our neighbors around our ministry sites in Chinhoyi.

When the team is working in the LTLA vegetable garden they are typically singing and laughing together. This caught the attention of the gardener at the Environmental Management Agency that is close by as he walked on his way to work. He observed that we are quite successful in our vegetable garden efforts and he had noticed our good composting work that is out in front of our property. He was struggling with his gardening efforts and asked his supervisors if he could approach us for training. When asked, Shelton, LTLA Community Ministry team leader, was more than happy to have the team provide training at their site. The team helped them start their compost pile and will be providing ongoing coaching in their gardening efforts. 

Last week I had the opportunity to accompany Shelton to guide the gardener in turning his compost pile and providing the appropriate amount of moisture while turning it. While at their site our team noticed a lot of mulch piled up so they inquired if they would be willing to share some with us. Well, they shared a lot as you will see in the photo below, so we are now well stocked with mulch for our gardening efforts. Mulch is critical in sustainable farming to help preserve moisture in the soil and prevent weed growth.

Would you pray with us that relationships with our neighbors will result in people coming to know Christ as they see our good works on behalf of the community?

Seeking to be good neighbors,

Mike Sulc
Life to Life Africa

LTLA Community Ministry team demonstrating composting with Environmental Management Agency staff.
Shelton, LTLA Community Ministry team leader, doing a follow up consultation on composting with the Environmental Management Agency staff member.
Pile of mulch provided to LTLA by the Environmental Management Agency.
Cabbages from LTLA garden are being distributed with corn meal & beans to vulnerable families.
Carrots in the LTLA garden.
The carrots are being sold along with broccoli and lettuce to help the ministry. Cauliflower, peas and red onions will soon be harvested for sale as well.
Mike enjoyed using the lettuce, carrots and broccoli for salads on his recent visit.

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