“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Friday, December 21, 2018

Lolos, Scones, Purses, & Vegetables

Greetings LTLA Friends,   

We are extremely grateful for the financial support we are receiving to help launch us into 2019. Thank you!! If you have not contributed and would like to do so, you can write a check to Life to Life Africa and mail it to:

Life to Life Africa
PMB 344
10151 University Blvd
Orlando, FL 32817

One of the Life to Life Africa goals is to develop entrepreneurial capacity among our team and those we serve, as well as to develop financial support in Zimbabwe that will help the ministry become self-sustaining. I would like to share with you some examples of how members of the LTLA team are engaging in small business enterprises to provide additional income for their families and to provide financial support for the ministry.

"Lolos" & Scones

LTLA assisted Mildred Nhau, wife of Arthur who directs the ministry in Zimbabwe, with taking a short course in establishing a baking business at Chinhoyi Univ of Technology. She has always loved to bake and is now joyfully filling orders for birthday and wedding cakes as well as treats for special occasions. Her baking business is now employing, Privilege, whose husband, Brian, serves on the LTLA team. Mildred bakes scones and Privilege packs them into containers and takes them into town to sell. She is finding a good market along the long fuel lines as people wait to purchase cooking gas and petrol for their vehicles. This small business is providing additional income in a challenging economy for two families.

Mildred (r) bakes the scones and pays a commission to Privilege (l) for selling them.

Scone dough and baked scones coming out of Mildred's stove.

Mildred is tapping into another market, selling "lolos" (popsicles) to the multitude of students that walk by her house on their way to the nearby high school. She adds baobab fruit powder into the mixture to provide more nutritional value. The photos and video below show her business in action. She is certainly setting a good example in entrepreneurship and as a Proverbs 31 woman to the other team members and those we serve.

Thomas Gilbert helped Mildred make "lolos" (popsicles) on our last trip to Chinhoyi.

Mildred (holding "lolos") while Tsungai sells them to the waiting students at their gate.

Purses & Vegetables

The LTLA Sewing Club meets every Friday afternoon to make purses and other items. They are gaining skills in sewing and in developing their own businesses. The resulting income will benefit their families and will serve as a small funding source for the ministry. I am returning with these purses to sell here, so let me know if you would like to purchase one. We are considering other items they can make that will be marketable here in the US.

Patricia, Tsungai & Itai cutting material to make purses.

Diana (l) and Gari sewing purses.

The latest enterprise by the team to support the ministry is growing vegetables at the LTLA Community Center and selling them. This enterprise is showing strong potential and we are considering ways to improve its output. Below is a photo of some who are involved in this enterprise and a short video tour of the vegetable garden:

Patricia, Kate, Tsungai, Diana, Itai, Faith & Gari
comprise some of the LTLA Vegetable Gardening Team.

Prestege, an orphan to whom LTLA has ministered for years,
and who is now in college, has reengaged with the LTLA team
during her college semester break. She will serve with the team
until she returns for her final semester in late February.

Thank you for your support as we seek to create a Christ-centered discipling movement that impacts every aspect of life in Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe!   

Mike Sulc 
Life to Life Africa

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