“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Shared Gospel With Thousands, But Terrified to Share with One

Dear LTLA Friends,

I have sat next to many fellow laborers for Christ on my trips to Zimbabwe. On my recent trip I sat next to Tom Elie, founder of Oasis World Ministries, who told me how the Lord led him to encourage and train fellow pastors to share their testimonies and the Gospel with individual people. He would share about Christ from the pulpit and at crusades but was terrified to share with individuals. God challenged him to trust Him through his fears, and in his words it "transformed my life." God is now using him to equip fellow believers to be "active in sharing their faith," (Philemon 6) At the end of our flight he shared his testimony with the gentleman sitting next to him and was able to encourage that man who identified himself as one who believed in Christ.

This encounter with Tom led me to share his 5 step approach with the LTLA team along with demonstrating the use of the EvangeCube, another tool for sharing the Gospel. Arthur had asked me to share with the LTLA team about our life in Christ. Philemon 6 says, "I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ." (NIV) The ESV reads that Paul prays the sharing of our faith "may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing in us" through Christ. Let's pray with Paul for ourselves and our fellow servants in Chinhoyi to be active in sharing our faith so we not only have the privilege of sharing God's great love but we can grow in our experience and knowledge of all the good things we have in Christ.

Here are some of the activities, in picture form, that took place during this recent trip:

Naomi (friend of LTLA from Michigan) taught the Primary School Bible Study,
and three children received Christ.

Naomi playing with the Critical Care children. 

At the Critical Care Center Naomi also observed and tasted the moringa porridge
we are feeding these orphans. Moringa, a tree tree to Africa,
is a rich source of iron, vitamins K & E, a source of vitamin A, & calcium.
It is high in antioxidants and has 25% protein, 9 essential ammino acids,
and 24% fiber. It is having a positive effect on the children,
for which their caregivers are grateful.

Naomi teaching the Chosen Generation (young adults) Bible Study.

Mike teaching evangelism tools with LTLA team.

LTLA Soccer Team in their new uniforms
provided by Ames HS through Roger & Cathy Twitto.

Discussion group during the LTLA college ministry banquet.

Another discussion group at the college banquet,
following talks by Mike & Naomi on Colossians 1 & 2.

Chickens ready for grilling after being butchered
by the LTLA team ladies.

LTLA team men grilling the chicken for the LTLA college ministry banquet.

Serving the banquet meal.

Enjoying the banquet meal.

Naomi enjoyed having Marvelous, an LTLA team member,
as a roommate at the Life Discipleship Center during her time in Chinhoyi. 

Thank you for sustaining this work of God by your prayers!

Mike Sulc
Life to Life Africa

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