“Friends, let us not parade our love in words or talk only; but let us show it in deeds and make it real.” – The Apostle John

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Bringing Hope To The Next Generation - LTLA Update - May 2023

 Greetings Again,

In the midst of challenging circumstances in Zimbabwe, the LTLA Training Ministry team has faithfully continued reaching out to Zimbabwean youth and young people. The situation there is leaving the next generation with a hopeless forecast from a human perspective but we are pointing them to the only true source of hope. Here is a report from Arthur Nhau, LTLA Zimbabwe Director and Training Ministry Director:
College Ministry - Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT)
We had a session on mental health and invited a professional counselor who is a believer. She was really engaging and the students kept asking a lot of questions regarding their future along with life challenges. She continued to point them to Jesus who invites us to come to him with all our questions and concerns.

                                     Mental health session with CUT students.

Our student conference had more than 40 students who attended. We didn’t invite a guest speaker but gave the opportunity for the LTLA Training Ministry trainees to share from their own walk with the Lord. It really encouraged the students to hear from young adults who are walking with Jesus and some new contacts we invited gave their lives to Christ.

College Ministry Conference gathering.

           College Ministry Conference fun activity.

We have also started engaging students through sports on campus, mainly soccer. We are thankful that God is giving us new contacts through this ministry outreach. In the past we have reached out into the community through forming a soccer team so we are now trying it on campus with students.

LTLA College Ministry soccer team (wearing donated Ames High School soccer uniforms).

Young Adult Ministry - Chosen Generation

Lately the group has been dominated by guys so we prayed that girls would also attend the fellowship. We are thankful to the Lord that more girls are now coming. Pray with us that God will raise laborers from this fellowship and open doors of opportunities for this group which is composed of unemployed youths in our community. (As you have heard about the situation in Zimbabwe, there are very few jobs available.)

Chosen Generation Bible Study.

Chosen Generation barbeque gathering.

Primary & High School Ministry

The love for scripture memory continues among the youth which is very encouraging. Pray with us that as they commit God's Word to memory it will guide them to Christ throughout their life.  We had been doing a separate Bible study with the Children of Hope (children living at the landfill) but have incorporated them with the other children. It is helping remove the stigma associated with their circumstances. Would you pray that the Children of Hope and all the children will open their hearts to Christ as they spend time in God's word and with one another. 

Youth Bible Study that is incorporating Children of Hope (children living at the landfill).

Thank you for your prayers for the LTLA Training Ministry team efforts in sharing Christ with the next generation here in Zimbabwe.

Faithfully yours in Christ,
Arthur Nhau
LTLA Zimbabwe Director

Misery Index - LTLA Prayer Bulletin - May 2023

 Dear LTLA Friends,

Thank you to those who responded to our appeal for financial help! Your support will keep us going during the summer months when our gift income is lower. It will certainly help us as we face increased needs in the country that has been named the most miserable place to live in 2022. You can read about it in the following link:


The situation is only getting worse as the exchange rate of the Zimbabwe Dollar for one US Dollar has increased from 850 Zim Dollars in January to 2000 Zim Dollars in May for $1 USD. The result of this is a further increase in prices for basic goods, only making things harder for the Zimbabwean people. So, thank you for your contributions that help us share the love of God in tangible ways with the people to whom we are ministering.

Our team member, Tsungai, is needing to undergo radiation treatments to help kill off any remaining cancer cells after a hysterectomy identified evidence of cervical cancer. Typically this radiation treatment could be performed at one of two government hospitals in the country, but both of the machines are not in operational order. So she is left with the private clinic route which is more than twice the cost, $4000. She, like most Zimbabweans, does not have medical insurance and does not have the money to pay for this treatment. Our ministry would like to help her. If you would like to contribute toward this need, you can send a check to:

Life to Life Africa
PMB 344
10151 University Blvd
Orlando, FL 32817
(Write "Tsungai" in the memo line)

I must admit that I personally am feeling very discouraged with the ongoing struggle of the people in Zimbabwe. They topped the list of most miserable in 2022 but there are countless other people around the world who face very similar circumstances. It can be overwhelming to consider, but I know that God sees it all and he has made a way for people to be saved along with prompting his people to help bring good for the glory of his Name. Would you pray for Life to Life Africa as we seek the Lord to strengthen us to persevere and guide us in doing good? (1 Peter 4:19)

Committed to our faithful Creator,

Mike Sulc
Life to Life Africa